Weather & Radar’s international news team

Weather is our passion
Header image with sun, lightning, snow and raindrops

We are an international team of skilled meteorologists. Given our diverse background and unique journalistic training, we ensure expert analysis presented in captivating weather and climate news.

We work around the clock, 365 days a year and from locations around the world to deliver the highest quality in local and international reporting. With Weather & Radar, you will never miss a weather beat!

Editors for the UK and Ireland:

Tamsin Green

Tamsin Green

Tamsin was born in London in the summer of 1994. After being in Florida during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, her fear sparked a curiosity in wanting to understand the weather more, which soon ignited her passion.

Tamsin went on to study Geography and then Meteorology at University, which led to a job as a Meteorologist at MetDesk from 2016. She also dabbled in presenting, before combining the two at Weather & Radar in 2022.

Being a summer baby, her favourite weather is thunderstorms; hot sunshine during the morning, followed by the excitement as extraordinary cloud structures bubble up, and later light up the sky. She loves to explore new places around the world, but her happy place will always be the Florida Keys.

Ryan Hathaway

Ryan Hathaway

Ryan Hathaway has long held an interest in news media, from his early days on school student magazines through to a degree in print journalism at Nottingham Trent University in 2016. This opened a path leading to his joining the Weather & Radar UK/IE editorial team in 2020.

He is currently focused on events across the UK and Ireland while keeping an eye on international weather, climate and astronomy topics. He is also responsible for sharing your user images with the world!


weather: Around 10 degrees and heavy rain.

Lars Lowinski

Lars Lowinski

Lars grew up in eastern Belgium where he sometimes experienced high winds, snow and thunderstorms. This sparked his love for weather at an early age. After studying geography at RWTH Aachen, he worked as a forecaster and editor in Munich and Austria, with some model development at times as well.

This was followed by several years working as a consulting meteorologist in the UK, where he not only learned about the British obsession with weather, but the intricacies of tea making as well. Lars joined WetterOnline in 2019 as a Country Manager to help grow our business in the US.

As a Chartered Meteorologist, he is also involved in delivering training and writing cases studies about weather events. When he is not a weather geek, he loves to be outside doing photography.


place: Cornwall, England (or the Keys, Florida)

Ditte Nielsen

Ditte Nielsen

Since her childhood days of biking to school in howling winds on the rainy flatlands of Northern Denmark, weather has always played a central role in Ditte’s life. Still to this day, nothing feels as much like home as icy gales loaded with sand and sea salt.

Ditte graduated from The Danish School of Media and Journalism and worked in investigative journalism and documentary film production in Copenhagen before she found the sweet spot between weather, tech and communications at Weather & Radar.


Favourite weather: Sea fog at sunrise. And proper snow

Favourite place: The sand dunes on the west coast of Northern Jutland